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Little Desert National Park - Kiata Campgrond

  • Little Desert National Park Little Desert, VIC, 3418 Australia (map)

This is the third EntSocVic members excursion for 2025.

This is a two day event:

  • Saturday March 15th, 2025 (3.00 PM to 11.00 PM)

  • Sunday March 16th, 2025 (3.00 PM to 11.00 PM)

Meet at 3.00 PM (on Saturday or Sunday) at Kiata Campground, Little Desert National Park”, for an afternoon exploring the national park. In the evening we will set up moth sheets in various locations to see what kinds of insects we can attract. Each day the event will end at around 11.00 PM.

22 February

Tarra-Bulga National Park

21 March

Moth Night with Hume City Council