This is the Entomological Society of Victoria Annual General Meeting for 2025.
The AGM will be held at Melbourne Museum and via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to members prior to the meeting.
A pre meeting dinner will be held at 6:00pm (sharp) St Andrews Hotel, Nicholson St Fitzroy. No need to book.
Speaker - Dr Andrew Wootton
Andrew will giving an talk on “Varroa destructor; the devastating parasite of honey bees now in Victoria.”.
Andrew Wootton first started keeping bees assisting his father way back in the 1960s. After retiring from a career as a clinical biochemist he now has more time to devote to beekeeping. He is a certified Master Beekeeper with the Eastern Apicultural Society (USA) and has run numerous beginners’ courses and queen-raising workshops. Andrew is Vice President of the Victorian Apiarists’ Association and Chair of its Education Committee. As an active SQRT (State Quarantine Response Team) member, he has been deployed numerous times with both Agriculture Victoria and the NSW DPI on the varroa response. He currently sits on Agriculture Victoria’s Bee Biosecurity Working Group.